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London Bloomsbury A Square Mile: A History and Guidebook by Edward Arnold

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ISBN #978-1786234452


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Edward Arnold introduces Bloomsbury’s rich past and energetic present. Bite-sized sections reveal historical facts, stories of social reform and Bloomsbury’s many contributions to the world. An all-in-one history and guidebook which has a wealth of images that help to illustrate this pleasant and captivating square mile.


One is spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a history or guidebook about London. Wander into any bookstore and there’ll be shelves of books for all manner of types: wartime London, where to eat, where to take a walk, why the Thames is so dirty, street guides and local guides. Some people pick out comprehensive guides to fully understand every aspect of the city and some opt for a concise pocket guide read.


Edward offers you something in-between: an all-in-one straightforward history and present-day guide of the Bloomsbury area, drawing your attention to places of interest and the histories associated with them within bite-sized sections. Short stories and facts unfold revealing fascinating glimpses into the buildings and former inhabitants. The book unites the past with the present, aided by the images and maps that illustrate the many places waiting to be (re)discovered and explored. You will learn how this complex neighbourhood achieved such an influential presence and gain a solid foundation of knowledge that will allow you more time to enjoy and appreciate this captivating area.

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Edward Arnold has been a media lecturer for the last twenty years and enjoys film, TV and travel. He has a particular interest in London, especially Bloomsbury where he started life’s great journey. Edward has, since unravelling the mysteries of his past, wanted to share his passion for the Bloomsbury area and has finally found the time to achieve this.

  • Bloomsbury A Square Mile
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